Monday, November 21, 2011

Wells for Sudan

By Adam Liberty

Mrs. Moskal , the eighth grade history teacher, has her Plus Time Social Studies class hold one fundraiser each quarter. All the money that she and the students raise will go to a non-profit organization called Water for Sudan, which gathers money to help build wells in Sudan. Having wells is critical for business, schools, and just everyday life. It means less travel in the brutally hot weather.

The class is trying to raise $5,000. Her class has already raised $750 and expects to get at least $745 each quarter. They held a carnival on November 5, 2011 in our cafeteria from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Her class is currently reading the book Water for Sudan that was written by Salva Dut. Mrs. Moskal says “the book has really made the kids realize what they have, and they want to give back.”

Mrs. Moskal was unsure about when the next fundraiser would take place and how they would be raising the money. When asked about her concern to if the other fundraisers would as successful as the first she replied, “We are successful no matter what, the kids have learned that they can change the world.” She also says it will take all year to raise a sufficient amount of money.

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