Wednesday, November 30, 2011


For every homosexual on Earth fitting or being equal is everything. Those who are homosexuals’ want the same things as heterosexuals’. They want to be with someone in marriage. Sadly, the U.S and every other country, frown upon gay rights and same sex marriage. Apparently it is against human nature to be a homosexual. Whatever your opinion is on same sex marriage is just your opinion. Whether it’s right or wrong is all on you, no one can change your mind if that is what your heart feels. The following men tell their opinion on the matter of same sex marriage and civil unions.

Who gets to decide if one man can marry another guy? It is no ones place to say "no, you can't get married to this other man, even if you do love him." Only a handful of states have legalized same-sex marriage. The first being in 2004 and the last in 2010. Even though it is a small number of states more and more are trying to legalize same-sex marriage.
A civil union was just created to allow people of the same sex to have a partnership. This is the same as marriage but people for male and female marriage recognize it. So who gets to make the laws? The people, and in the people we have gays so why not let them have the same as everyone else when it comes to marriage.

We should allow same-sex marriage. The reason why is because if someone likes someone of the same sex and they want to get married, let them. It’s their lifestyle, we can't stop them just because we may think that it's wrong. Gay marriage isn’t a problem. It doesn't matter if they like the same gender, whether it be a guy or girl. If their spouse wants to be with their partner then we should let them get married.
Ten countries have begun to allow same sex-marriage and those countries were: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, and Sweden. The U.S. has each state decide whether or not to allow same sex marriage.

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