Monday, November 28, 2011

Dodgeball Tournament Showdown

By Kendra Arseneault

On Friday November 4th, 2011 Hopkinton Middle High School held a dodgeball tournament to help raise money for the sophomore class. The tournament had about twelve teams, each team had about six or seven players. There were around ninety participants for the tournament. The teams consisted of all different grades in the high school and also there was an all faculty team. The all faculty team had Mr. OD, Mr. Meserve, Ms. Gagnon, Mr. Haggerty and Ms. Walton. Mr. OD said “very much fun. It was nice to play against students” Also there was a team on team rivalry between the Kevin Smith ET All and the All Faculty team. This team had Zach Calley, Noah Sweetbrown, Sam Belcourt, Bryce Sorel, Brandon Glover, Kevin Smith and Andrew (Andy) Bohem. Another team that stuck out from the rest was the all boys team the winning team. This team had Matt Gleason, Sam Bonifant, Sam Ruderman, Anthony Andrew, Jay White and Griffin Y.

The dodgeball tournament was to help raise money for the sophomore class. Around 678.00 dollars was raised for the class for things like their prom and graduation for when they are seniors. The tournament had over a hundred people attending to watch. Remembering dodgeball in past years lots of people picture the big rubber ball, but because of risk of people getting severely hurt by the balls being flung at them with such force they used sponge-like balls to throw.

One of the winning team members said, “We were unstoppable- definition dream team." They won a prize, which was a necklace trophy, candy, a ball and a can of silly string. The “dream team” worked well together to beat all the other competitors to win the game. All these kids helped raise money for the sophomore class in a fun and competitive way. All teams were asked if they would do it again, they all said they would play again. It was a fun way to raise money and the school should do it again to help out classes.

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