Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Find Buried Treasure at Goodwill

By: Olivia Hamel

In a time where consumers are struggling economically, it is difficult to enjoy times of leisure, such as shopping, as they once did. In this economic turnaround it is difficult for people to find jobs, never the less, extra funds in their budgets, to spend on un-needed items. Unfortunately, as leisure funds disappear, the want to buy leisure items does not.

However, the belief that shopping has to stop once the economy turns sour is a false belief. What has to change is where the shopping takes place, not the funds of the shopper. In this tough economy that is exactly what consumers have started doing and because of that, a certain establishment has gotten a fair amount of attention in the consumers eyes. That “certain establishment” being Goodwill, Goodwill is qualified as a consignment store, which is store that receives second hand items and merchandise donated to it. The establishment takes all merchandise that is donated and sorts through it in order to distinguish the merchandise that is a lost cause to merchandise that is readily available to sell. Not only does Goodwill offer secondhand items, but their establishment also sells unused items that other companies have either chosen to stop selling or items that have not reached a larger market. This merchandise is prepackaged and set at a lower price than what it would be offered for in larger stores. Merchandise varies from furniture, toys, jewelry, clothing, accessories, shoes, decorations and games.

One of the most appealing features about Goodwill is the fact that, like some other stores that consumers are familiar with, Goodwill offers a large variety of merchandise. When a shopper walks into Goodwill they can more likely, than not, find what they are looking for or at the very least they can find an item that peaks their interest. Not only does every shopping trip hold a promising outcome, but a certain fact is that because Goodwill is a secondhand store prices are lower than average. In comparison to normal clothing outlets prices plummet, for example sweaters are available at Goodwill for the fabulous price of $4.99 as opposed to other retailers who offer their sweaters at steeper prices that range in the teens to twenties.

Along with that valuable feature, there are some other interesting features that Goodwill offers to its consumers. Because of the fact that Goodwill is, in simplest terms, a thrift store, each piece of merchandise holds its own value because of the fact that there is no other item like that in the store, or any other. Due to this fact shopping in Goodwill is unlike shopping in any other store. When a consumer is shopping at Goodwill it is more like a treasure hunt than a shopping experience. Each time varies from the last because the outcome is different, a new treasure can be found every single time the consumer visits Goodwill. In this tough economy there is still a way to find the funds to shop, just take a trip over to Goodwill, located in Concord N.H., and your treasure hunt will commence.

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