Friday, September 17, 2010

Haulers drop out of the Pay-By-Bag Program

By Josh Isabelle

On September 4th, Hopkinton started a pay-by-bag-program stating that all trash to either be picked up by the local haulers or personally brought to the transfer station must be in a specified green bag.

The bag can be purchased at the local stores for $6.25 a bundle. The bundle comes with five, 33-gallon bags. They also offer a 13-gallon bag for $3.25 a bundle as well. If the trash was recyclable it did not have to be in a specified bag so it promotes the locals to start to recycle.

The trash haulers would have to pay a $70.00 tipping fee for every ton delivered to the dump that wasn’t in the correct bags in hopes that the haulers would enforce their customers to convert form their old ways to the new bags.

One of the two hauler companies in town, All Clear, only has 250-300 customers. In fear that their customers would respond negatively to the change and stop using the hauler all together they backed out of the program and will pay the $70.00 a ton instead.

The other company G. Dockman has 1400-1450 customers in town. They originally wrote to the concord monitor stating that they were on board with the program. They said they would be enforcing the green bags because the tipping per ton has almost sent them out of business in the past.

Just a few days after the Pay-By-Bag took place Dockman lost 24 customers and immediately dropped out of the program fearing they would lose too many customers to make saving the $70.00 tipping fee worth it.

The remaining 600 residents who personally bring their bags to the dump have no say in the situation unless they find a way in to another transfer station.

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