Friday, December 16, 2011

A Journey Worth Taking


My family and I enjoyed watching Journey to the Center of the Earth on Saturday. This is a great movie. The version of the movie we saw was the 1999 edition, directed by George Miller. The movie was 180 minutes and unrated. This movie, adapted from the Jules Verne classic for television by Thomas Baum, is about Theodore Lytton (Treat Williams), Jonas Lytton (Jeremy London) and Alice Hastings (Tushka Bergen) looking for, Casper Hastings, her husband. They find him somewhere with a tribe in the center of the Earth. When they found him, he was surprised because he had been lost for seven years. Casper did not want to leave right away because he wanted to continue to search for the special plant that could heal people from cuts and bruises. Along the way they found some weird creatures that did not have good vision because they can only see things in color that is not normal vision like humans have. They also saw some pterodactyl-like creatures that could have been in the prehistoric times. As far as what happens in the end, I will not spoil it for viewers. I will let them know, however, that this journey is one worth taking.

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