Thursday, October 20, 2011

Long Awaited Return

By Sgt.Dunn

With the end of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are still 50,000 troops in Afghanistan. In a news conference, President Obama stated that he would like to have all the troops back home by the end of 2011. The reason for this is because the United States has an agreement with the Afghans that states that they will be able to support themselves by the end of 2011.

There is an issue that President Obama has to deal with in Washington between Senator Scott Brown, and Congress man John Boehner. Senator Brown says, “we should accelerate the extraction of the troops.” When asked what his views were his response was, “ now that the world's most wanted terrorist no longer threatens our nation's democracy and freedom, it’s time to accelerate our reduction of Military operations."

Congress man Boehner states in a press conference, “We must retain flexibility necessary to reconsider troop levels and respond to changes in security.” According to authorities, there are still minor insurgent attacks against United States soldiers to counter these attacks. In the last 18 months the Afghanistan forces have raised over 100,000 security soldiers.

Instead of engaging in a full-scale war against the insurgents, again the forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to start to initiate small-scale counter terrorist operations while extracting the United States soldiers out of harms way. When done with returning the soldiers home the United States will be leaving contacts with the country Security Forces.

In an interview with Mr. Tim Carson, a war veteran, his response was “The military shouldn’t be run by politics. We should trust in the officials overseas to deal with the problems over there.” Mr. Carson is in agreement with Congress man Boehner who also thinks that the United States should maintain a presence overseas.

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